Hey beautiful oops i mean flawless
Hey beautiful oops i mean flawless

How do you interpret the expression "hi beautiful" in the context I mentioned above?ĭoes it sound weird for a native speaker to hear the expression I've been using "hi beauty"?ĭepending on the interpretation of the meaning of the expression "hi beautiful", this expression may mean the same or similar thing (or not) of "hi beauty", provided this last expression isn't just my invention. If you say that something or someone is flawless, you mean that they are extremely good and that there are no faults or problems with them. Clearly, this is a compliment and a greeting at the same time. What does Flawless mean What is Flawless Flawless meaning in English English Grammar We. a girl which is considered the "beauty" by definition, or the most beautiful girl. Learn English with Elite 231 subscribers Welcome to our channel Learn English with Elite. Meanwhile, I've been using the expression "hi beauty" or "hello beauty" when meeting a girl with whom I have a lot of confidence and which I find very beautiful, i.e. I suppose this is a common expression or at least not a weird expression for a native speaker to hear. As for that meaning if he wants to hook up with you or not you cant tell by him just calling you beautiful. 1 : having no flaw or imperfection : perfect a flawless performance flawless beauty flawless diction The decor is elegant, the service is flawless and the food is exquisite.

hey beautiful oops i mean flawless

The second option seems to make more sense to me. Hi Phoebe When a guy calls you beautiful it obviously means he is attracted to you and that is his way of letting you know.

hey beautiful oops i mean flawless

beautiful is an adjective and is being used either as a noun or the expression "hello, beautiful" is actually a short version of an expression like "hello, beautiful girl". Hey gorgeous uhm i mean flawless well that's what you are, Hey gorgeous uhm i mean flawless well that's what you are, how i see it is how i call it<3. I was reflecting on the correctness of this expression.

Hey beautiful oops i mean flawless movie#

In the movie "The Dark Knight" (2008) by Christopher Nolan, the character Joker, at a certain point, interrupts a party where there's Rachel Dawes (former girlfriend of Bruce Wayne).

Hey beautiful oops i mean flawless